Management Risk Management
Risk Management Associated with Business Activities
The Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Group is engaged in ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) activities to allow the Mitsubishi Chemical Group (the MCG Group) to ensure sound management based on the “Mitsubishi Chemical Group/ERM Basic Regulations.”
For details, see the Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation (MCG) website.
Crisis Management
The Group has created a business continuity plan (BCP) to address threats to the continuation of our business, such as natural disasters, outbreaks of infectious diseases, war, or acts of terrorism, and revises the plan as necessary to ensure a stable supply of pharmaceuticals to patients even in the event of such crises. We are also working to create systems that allow us to make decisions promptly and to improve our practical skills. To that end, we operate a platform intended to collect and share information when crises occur, and conduct training for executives and personnel responsible for critical operations that must continue during times of a crisis.
Information Security
The Company participates in the Information Security Executive Committee, an MCG Group organization.
Main roles of the Information Security Execution Committee
- Identification of information security risks and formulation of response plans
- Establishment of rules and implementation of countermeasures
- Responses to information security incidents
- Monitoring of the implementation status of measures and compliance with associated rules and regulations
Furthermore, in response to overseas business expansion and the increasing complexity of IT infrastructure, the Group will implement measures to ensure the safe and stable use of information and data communications technologies through surveys on security maturity at overseas bases, and enhancing security checks when using network security and cloud services. We are also taking steps to improve security, including that of our supply chain, by checking our business partner’s security.
In preparation for damage mitigation and early recovery in the event of an incident, we are examining our response system and flow in conformity with the above incident prevention measures.
Leakage of personal information
The leakage of personal information not only harms third parties but could also seriously damage the credibility of the Company and cause irreparable loss.
The Group will comply with GDPR* and other personal information-related laws and regulations and re-examine its rules to strictly manage information in line with the overseas expansion of the Group.
*The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A new personal information protection framework instituted by the European Parliament, European Council and European Commission.
Support for remote work
We are constructing a new network environment with the goal of improving convenience and ensuring security for remote work, which has taken hold as a new way of working.
Protecting customer privacy