Society > Together with Employees Promoting Diversity & Inclusion
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- Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals that are Secure, Safe, and Convenient to Use
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- Solving Issues Related to Improving Access to Healthcare
Actively Utilizing Diverse Human Resources
Basic Approach
The Group has positioned its approach to diversity and inclusion as one of its management strategies. We have organized that approach into the Diversity Promotion Circle, and we are advancing initiatives on that basis.
Diversity Promotion Circle

In regard to diversity, we take into account both visible diversity (gender, sexual orientation and gender identity (including LGBTQ+*), age, career background, nationality, disability status, time restrictions due to childcare, nursing care, etc.) and non-visible diversity (knowledge, skills, experiences, values, ways of thinking, etc.). By appreciating these differences and leveraging them, we seek to maximize our results.
*LGBTQ+: In this report, LGBT is used as a generic term to refer to people who belong to a sexual minority, with the addition of Q (Questioning: people who have not decided on or do not know their own identity) and “+” as an expression of sexual diversity, which cannot be expressed in words.
Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives
In fiscal 2023, we implemented the following initiatives.
Diversity and inclusion training
We held a total of six “Career Encouragement Seminars” intended to motivate women and foster awareness of diversity and inclusion among managers. Managers and leaders of each organization gave lectures on issues such as the importance of diversity and inclusion in organizations, their own careers, and diversity management.
MCG Group DE&I Event Week in 2024
In March 2024, we held MCG Group DE&I Event Week in 2024 – Inspire Inclusion Equity – in order to think about diversity and inclusion. This week-long event featured sessions hosted in Japan, the Americas, EMEA, China, and the APAC region, and provided opportunities for colleagues in the Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) around the world to reflect on how MCG could be an enterprise in which difference is respected and all employees can be active regardless of their personal characteristics.
LGBTQ+ initiatives
The Group has implemented the following initiatives to protect the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals and create comfortable working environments.
- The MCG Group’s “Global Policy on Respecting Human Rights: Employment and Labor”[PDF:135KB] states that we will not engage in discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
- Group employment regulations state clearly that disciplinary action will be taken in response to discrimination or harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
- Same-sex partners were included in the scope of nursing care leave and nursing care holidays.
We held lectures on LGBTQ+ issues in June 2023, and at “MCG Group DE&I Event Week in 2024 – Inspire Inclusion –,“ which was held in March 2024 planned LQBTQ+ discussion events with LGBTQ+ people. Moreover, in December 2023, we released “A Guidebook for Understanding LGBTQ+” on our corporate intranet.
We will continue to distribute Ally stickers, which show our understanding of and support for LGBTQ+ people. As for hiring, we have eliminated the gender entry column from the hiring entry sheet in consideration of gender and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Utilization of Senior and Experienced Employees
The Company re-employs staff who wish to remain employed after retirement. To provide a place of employment, we are creating an environment that permits diverse work styles including work sharing, and we are enhancing our re-employment system and working to utilize their skills and knowhow even after retirement.
Moreover, we conduct career design workshops for employees aged 50 to 55 who are considering future careers with a view to retirement. We have actively provided and expanded the environment so that all employees can continue working with high motivation regardless of age.
Social recognition

Received the Cabinet Office’s “Minister of State Award for Special Missions (Gender Equality)” at the “Awards for Women Empowering Companies” in 2020.
Percentage of female employees with subsection managers or higher or in management positions

Supporting Active Careers for People with Disabilities
Promoting Employment of People with Disabilities
The Group has actively worked to promote the employment of people with disabilities, and at the same time, has expanded the range of duties in many occupations throughout the Group. As a result of actively hiring people with disabilities, the Group’s employment rate as of March 31, 2024, was 3.09%, an improvement from 2.69% at the end of the previous fiscal year.
The Group will continue to proactively hire people with disabilities and create an environment where they can actively participate.
Employment rate of people with disabilities

Creating Environments That Are Easy to Work In
The Group seeks to achieve an inclusive workplace where people with and without physical and mental health challenges work together in the same place. We will create an environment where people with disabilities can make the most of their strengths and continue to make our workplaces even more comfortable to work at in the future.
- Tanabe Palm Service Co. Ltd., a special subsidiary
Although there are about 100 people with disabilities working throughout the Group, the Group’s Tanabe Palm Service, a special subsidiary, provides a variety of office services, and has about 40 people primarily with intellectual, mental, and developmental disabilities working there. (As of April 2024)
Tanabe Palm Service seeks to grow with the Company while providing a place where people with disabilities can work with peace of mind by maintaining a comfortable work environment and a system that supports growth. Specifically, we openly communicate by sharing our experiences at morning and end-of-day meetings, reviewing our work, discussing difficulties including issues in our daily lives through regular discussions and daily chats with staff. Additionally, we have announced new business reforms as a team, as well as business reforms ideas from individuals, and have adopted systems for commending people and promoting their growth. As a business that proactively employs persons with disabilities and provides employment support to them, this company is registered as an Osaka Prefecture Excellent Company that Supports Persons with Disabilities.
Digitization of paper documents. Digitization contributes to greater operational efficiency within the Group. Making business cards for MTPC Group employees. The cards are printed on a large paper sheet and cut to business card size.
Support for Diverse Working Styles
In Japan, the Group supports diverse human resources that participate actively in diverse working styles through an enhanced system that helps establish a balance between personal life and work, and the introduction of a flexible work system.
Flexible Work Systems
The Group has taken steps to enhance systems that contribute to flexible working styles and enhanced productivity for employees, such as a flex-time system with no core time, a flexible work system for employees in planning areas and specialist areas, and a telecommuting system.
To support a balance between work and medical treatment, such as in the case of cancer survivors and infertility treatment, in fiscal 2018, we introduced shorter workdays and treatment leave that employees who need treatment can use. In addition to these systems, we introduced a new infertility treatment leave system in April 2020. Employees who have been treated for infertility but have difficulty with the treatment due to physical distance between them and their spouse, can take a temporary leave of absence under this system. The system was expanded in January 2021 and employees who live with their spouses but are receiving infertility treatment using assisted reproductive technology, which requires many hospital visits, are eligible under this system. In October 2022, we instituted childcare leave at birth (postnatal paternity leave) in accordance with revisions to the Child Care and Family Care Leave Law, creating an environment that encourages men to take childcare leave.
In April 2023, with a view to offering more flexibility with regard to where employees work, we implemented a remote working system that allows people to work regularly from remote areas outside commuting range.
Systems to Support a Balance Between Life Events and Work
The Group has established childcare and nursing care support systems that significantly surpass legal requirements. We have created an environment that enables employees to work with peace of mind and balance work and life events, such as pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and nursing care. We continue to take steps to establish environments that facilitate active participation by fathers in child-rearing.
We will continue to create a work environment where each employee can fully exercise his/her ability and work energetically.
Initiatives to get men to participate in childcare
We have implemented the following initiatives to create an environment in which it is easy for men to participate in childcare.
- Special leave for husbands that can be taken during the period from pregnancy to childbirth (pre-paternity leave)
- Make the first five days of childcare leave as paid leave (for both men and women)
- Encourage male employees to take childcare leave
- Promote the taking of childcare leave for male employees (postnatal paternity leave)
In fiscal 2023, we offered our support for “Think about childcare leave day” on September 19th, publishing messages of support for childcare leave as well as articles on fathers’ experiences with childcare both inside and outside the Company.
- Comment from those who have taken childcare leave
We were able to watch over the growth of our child as a couple over the year of my childcare leave. When your child is born your life revolves around them and you cannot do as you like, eat when you want to eat, or sleep when you want to sleep, but that very lack of freedom itself becomes a pleasure. I think that stems from the fact that stepping away from my work for an extended period let me focus on childcare. Of course, your priorities change depending on your stage in life, but even now that I have returned to work, I find childcare enjoyable. Something different happens every day, and life is full of confusion, surprises, and laughter.
When I came back to work my boss told me that I could take it slow and not overdo things, which put me at ease. I feel proud to work at Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, with colleagues who are so cooperative, and with a childcare system so comprehensive that that those around me are envious.
Before I went on leave, I showed my wife the fatherhood classes the Company had offered, and we attended as a couple. This was very significant in reaffirming for us, as a couple, the importance of taking long-term paternal leave. The comment “Think about what you lose by taking the stance that your job comes first. You can get another job, but there is no substitute for a father,” left a strong impression on me, and is something that I agree with strongly. Since my mind was clear about where my priorities lay, I had no doubts or misgivings about taking a year of parental leave. Actually, there were many really difficult times during that year and my wife frequently told me how glad she was that I had taken the time off, and that it was a huge help.
There is no right way to raise a child, but I do think that those who are about to become fathers should take the time to talk with their partners about taking paternal leave.Mr. S from the PR Department at the Pharma Strategy Division
Social recognition
For the sixth consecutive year since 2007, we were certified as a “general business owner conforming to standards” (Kurumin mark) based on the Next Generation Nurturing Support Measures Promotion Law. In July 2019, we were certified “Platinum Kurumin”* in recognition of our childcare support and working style initiatives.
* The “Platinum Kurumin” certification system recognizes companies that have already been “Kurumin” certified by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as companies that support childcare and that have taken steps to achieve a higher standard.

Utilization of leave and shorter workdays for childcare

- *The Group domestic
- *Results in the utilization of childcare leave show the number of people who commenced childcare leave during the fiscal year
Utilization of leave and shorter workdays for nursing care

*The Group domestic
Building Sound Labor-Management Relations
The Group respects the rights of its employees, including the freedom to form a union and the right to collective bargaining. The labor agreement that Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma has entered with the Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Labor Union guarantees the working conditions and rights of union members. As of the end of March 2024, the labor union membership rate was 76.3%. Group management and the union regularly hold management meetings where the Company communicates its management policy and the two parties exchange information on workplace conditions, seeking to more fully understand each other. Members of the Management Council and various labor-management committees, etc., also contribute their views on separate issues, such as reevaluation of various working conditions and human resource systems, in order to realize an environment in which it is easier to work.
Together with Patients and Healthcare Professionals
- Research & Development
- Stable Supply
- Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals that are Secure, Safe, and Convenient to Use
- Information Provision
- Drug Safety / Quality Assurance
- Solving Issues Related to Improving Access to Healthcare
Together with Employees
- Human Resources Development
- Promoting Diversity & Inclusion
- Work-Style Innovation
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Health and Productivity Management