Creating hope for
all facing illness.Representative DirectorAkihiro Tsujimura

Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation has been providing patients with medicines and treatments around the world for over 340 years since Tanabe Seiyaku Co., Ltd. (originally TANABEYA Gohei), the forerunner of our company, was established in 1678 in Osaka, as a family business to produce and sell its proprietary TANABEYA Infusing Medicine. Today, we are responsible for healthcare business as a major operating company in the Mitsubishi Chemical Group*1 and continue to contribute to society by creating innovative pharmaceutical products. Our mission is “Creating hope for all facing illness.”
In recent years, medical needs have become increasingly sophisticated and diversified due to advances in science and digital technologies. Therefore, in the future with these environmental changes, comprehensive healthcare integrated into daily life will be needed. We have set “Be a healthcare company that delivers optimal therapy to each individual.” as our VISION for 2030, and are advancing initiatives for “Precision Medicine”*2 and “Around the Pill Solutions,”*3 so that the company can deliver new value.
RADICAVA was launched in 2017 in the U.S. as a new treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a disease for which no new drug had been available for more than 20 years. In 2022, we launched RADICAVA,as an oral suspension formulation. We are also developing digital technologies for early diagnosis and medication support for ALS. Our goal is not just to create a drug: rather, we continue to create new value by putting ourselves in our patients’ shoes.
To continue to create new value, we always work based on the five criteria of “Our Way”: Integrity, Respect, Bravery, Collaboration, and Persistence. These are what employees use to guide themselves through their daily work to realize the Group’s Purpose. We believe that new innovations will be created when employees with diverse values come together, accept each other's differences, and continue to take on challenges based on "Our Way.”
With your flexible thinking and new powers without fear of failure, we look forward to creating innovative values and contributing together to patients, their families, and society.
*1 Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation and its group companies
*2 To provide the right medical care to the right patients at the right timing in consideration of differences in people's genes, environment, and lifestyle
*3 To develop solutions to solve problems of patients from prevention to prognosis with therapeutic drugs as the core.